Moral Outrage
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Posts Tagged ‘intelligence

Osama Bin Laden what really happened to his body?

March 5, 2012

Internal emails from the intelligence firm Stratfor, which offers services to major international corporations, as published by WikiLeaks, suggest that Osama bin Laden’s body may have been brought to America after he was killed by US Navy Seals. The emails were obtained in an attack on Stratfor’s servers by the Anonymous movement. In one email, […]

Most powerful asset of the Occupy Movement is articulating truth

February 14, 2012

There is a recipe for breaking popular movements. I watched it play out over five years in the war in El Salvador. I now see these familiar patterns in the assault against the Occupy movement. It goes like this. Physically eradicate the insurgents’ logistical base of operations to disrupt communication and organization. Dry up financial […]

Iran is not building nuclear weapons confirmed by US Intelligence

February 3, 2012

You will almost never see in a major U.S. newspaper the assessment – backed by the 16 U.S. intelligence agencies – that Iran is NOT building nuclear weapons. Last year, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stood firm, despite severe pressure to paint Iran in more pernicious terms, that Iran is NOT working on a […]

Iran sounds like Iraq 8 years back

November 14, 2011

Iraq was allegedly working on nuclear weapons, too: former president George Bush’s famous “smoking gun,” which also subsequently went missing. And on the basis of this “intelligence” about Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction,” the United States and its more gullible allies invaded the country. Hundreds of thousands died, no weapons were found, and nothing was […]

Julian Assange to be extradited to Sweden

November 2, 2011

Julian Assange, the 40-year-old founder and public face of the website WikiLeaks, lost his battle Wednesday to stay in the United Kingdom and avoid extradition to Sweden to face questioning over sex charges. Since the summer of 2010, when WikiLeaks began releasing reams of classified U.S. intelligence documents, Assange has stoked the ire of top […]

US intelligence in the search for Kadhafi in Libya

August 26, 2011

The role of US intelligence in Libya in the search for Kadhafi US intelligence agencies have a crucial role to play in tracking down Libya’s Moammar Kadhafi but are anxious to keep a low profile, current and former officials said Thursday. Although the military and the State Department sought to distance Washington from the manhunt, […]

CIA asset bodyguard killed Karzai’s brother

July 17, 2011

The bodyguard who assassinated President Hamid Karzai’s brother had been working closely with US Special Forces and the CIA before he was recruited by the Taliban, raising fears over the Islamist movement’s increasingly sophisticated intelligence apparatus which has managed to threaten the inner circles of power in Afghanistan. Sardar Mohammad, who shot Ahmed Wali Karzai […]

US Special Forces warfare Geneva Conventions and UN Charter be damned

May 29, 2011

[Until recently, the approaches to warfare could be summed up as] the Powell Doctrine, the Rumsfeld Doctrine, and the Petraeus Doctrine. The Powell Doctrine is essentially conventional warfare a-la-World War II: massive firepower, lots of soldiers, clear goals. This was the formula for the first Gulf War, which, after a month of bombing, lasted only […]

The New Face of US War

May 28, 2011

The assassination of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden did more than knock off America’s Public Enemy Number One, it formalized a new kind of warfare, where sovereignty is irrelevant, armies tangential, and decisions are secret. It is also one that requires a vast intelligence apparatus, one that now constitute almost a fourth arm of government […]

US Senators reveal secret Patriot Act

May 26, 2011

You may think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) says it’s worse than you’ve heard. Congress is set to reauthorize three controversial provisions of the surveillance law, but Wyden says that is a mere fig leaf for a far broader legal interpretation of […]